Friday, November 21, 2008

Republic Attack Gunship™ (7676) - WIP( Part 2)

Anakin: Master, I heard we had lost contact with a battalion clone army in Dantooine. I have a bad feeling about this news.
Obi-Wan: May the force be with them.

Clones are busy contructing Command Station.

Master Plo Koon is setting up the Healing Chamber.

Side View - Command Station

Rear View - Command Station

Plo Koon: Jeneral Obi-Wan. I have completed the Healing Chamber. Any serious wounded soldiers place in the Healing Chamber should recover within a few days.
Obi-Wan: Well Done! Master Plo Koon. I will assign next assignment to you.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Death Star Canteen

Hahaha I love this Clip. Enjoy.

Monday, November 3, 2008

French Taunting - Monty Python and the Holy Grail (LEGO Version)

Republic Attack Gunship™ (7676) - WIP ( Part 1)

Finally Obi-Wan Kenobi has arrived and united with his apprentice Anakin. Commander Cody is a new officer to take charge. Master Plo Koon has the entire gunship blue print inside his squid head.

Anakin: Master Obi-Wan, I'm expecting you.
Obi-Wan: Anakin, let me introduce to you Master Plo Koon and the orange clone is Commander Cody. Captain Rex, Commander Cody will be taking over your position and all clonies should are under his command.
Rex: Yes, Sir.

First Assginment ! Speeder Bike. Obi Wan is giving the instructionns to Cody and his fellow clonies.

Clonies are busy in the workshop assembling the speeder bike.

Clone trooper is performing testing on the speeding bike. Clone radio contact Commander Cody. Everything is working fine, sir.